Now onto the post!...
I am a kind of a health freak...but not exactly...I am an unsuccessful health freak. Now I don't know if you who are reading this are one of those, too, or you're one of those people that I envy, who do insane workouts it seems about everyday and eat nothing but food from the ground, and your body shows off all that you do. But I know that I seem to fail every time I try to eat healthy/workout more/etc. And this is extremely frustrating for me! It's like no matter how. much. I. try. I end up falling off of the Health Wagon. But I want things to be different now. And if you're in the same boat with me (and I'm kinda hoping I'm not the only one), then we can maybe help each other! I am going to be sharing 10 reasons why you and I should both try to be our healthiest selves! I am hoping that writing these down and sharing them will motivate and keep me more accountable and will help you, too! So, without further ado, here are 10 reasons why we need to strive for our healthiest selves:
1. As Christians, our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.
In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, the Bible says: "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." I think this is one of the most motivating things for me personally to be become healthy. It shows me that health and fitness should run so much deeper than trying to look a certain way to please society.
2. We can serve/love others/God more when we are healthy.
I don't know about you, but when I don't feel right on the inside, I don't act so beautiful on the outside. When feeling healthy mentally, spiritually, and physically, it is easier to love the way God desires us to!
3. We need to try live long on this earth so we you can show others Christ's love all the more with a long life.
Living a long life would be amazing, because the more and more years I have here on earth is more and more years God can work through me to build His Kingdom!
4. We will feel better and think better and clearer.
This kind of goes with #2, but eating healthy food that God made for us in order to fuel our bodies, staying active, drinking plenty of fluids, and making sure you spend time talking to God and everything else that allows healthy lives, makes for a much better working brain! Also, it is easier to think positive when you feel like you are treating your body the way God wants you to treat it!
5. To be able to love what our bodies can do!
The more we practice a certain sport or move or pose, the better we become and the more we love our bodies and how amazingly God created them!
6. To show others Christ's love even in the way we treat and love ourselves.
Treating the bodies the Lord gave us the way He wants us to treat them and doing it all for Him and His glory can show others that maybe there is a reason behind the motivation we have for being healthy!
7. To have less depression/anxiety/etc. because we will be more emotionally/mentally stable because our health should not be focused just on physical health and fitness, but also everything on the inside, too.
This goes a lot with #4 too, but I believe that how we fuel our bodies and everything helps tremendously with how our emotions are and with how our brains work.
8. To inspire others to also be healthier.
Can you imagine how great the world would be if we all ate and moved for the glory of God and we all benefited from it?!
9. To possibly be able to see our great-grandchildren one day. :)
I just think being around to see my family grow up would be amazing!
10. To be our happiest selves!
All of our healthy ways can give us happiness, especially when done for the glory of God! If we can view health as a way to point others to Christ, then we can being doing what we were made to do, and therefore our souls can soar!
1 Corinthians 10:31: "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
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I really hope that this post motivates you to be the healthiest and most joyful version of yourself! Tell me what your #1 motivation for treating your body as a temple is and if you think I should do more health posts in the comments! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you all have an amazing rest of your day and God bless you!
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