Alright, now onto the actual post! So, I have been struggling for a long time with insecurity. Now, I know I have already written a post on confidence in yourself(so it's very possible that I will repeat myself often in here), but I feel like that did not quite do it justice. Not having enough confidence is a huge problem for me. I think confidence is one of the main ways to be successful in life! So many women and girls(and I would guess guys have the same problem, but just aren't as vocal about it, usually), are super insecure about their bodies, their intelligence, their almost everything!! We just don't like ourselves and we compare ourselves to others(at least I do) and it brings us down, and makes us often perform poorly in even the things that we are passionate about! I think that if I loved myself and was confident in my abilities and talents that God has given me, I would do so much better in everything in life! And I would guess I'm not alone in that. We were having a conversation the other day about trusting in the abilities God gave me(someone's idea, not exactly mine, by the way). So in reality, accepting God's love for me is how I'm really gonna get it right. God is the only one we should truly look to for approval, after all, He made us all, and in His very own image! Who are we to judge ourselves?! I think if every woman tried to obey God and looked at the things that God looks at, there would be much more humble, confident women in the world today! God looks at our hearts, not our bodies, for beauty. He cares much more about how we treat people and obey Him than how we fix our hair or how cute our outfits are! How wonderful it is to marvel at! What an amazing God to serve! :) So, I encourage you(and myself) to look at yourself in the way God looks at you! Because if we're in Christ, we're clean from our sins! He looks at you in the way you wish everybody would look at you, like a drop-dead gorgeous model, because He made you and sent His One and Only Son to die for YOU!! You can be confident because God gave you those talents and abilities for a reason, even if you don't know what it is yet! Here are some inspiring verses-
Proverbs 31:30-
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
1 Peter 3:4-
"Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight."
![FullSizeRender (2)](
This is me. Full of insecurities, flaws, and doubts, but beautiful in God's eyes.
We need to focus more on our inward appearance and being beautiful for God, rather than our outward appearance and being beautiful for man. So again, we need to trust in the talents God has given us! I hope this helps you become the most confident version of yourself you can be!! :)
What is your favorite way of loving yourself and staying confident?!
Have an amazing day!!
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