oh broken little spirit,
you spend so much time running to other broken, insecure things.
you sprint to what the enemy tells you is the 'finish' line,
but you soon find out it was simply a lie and a mirage,
yet once you have discovered such things,
you feel as if finishing the race will give you worth,
even when you know in the deepest of your core that if you got to that place you so idolize in your mind's eye,
it would come to no real satisfaction.
but the enemy keeps prompting you on so that he may have you further,
but little does he know that while you are being dug deeper and deeper into your own pit,
he's leading you more and more into falling into the arms of the Precious One.
the wicked one tries to block out the soft call of Him,
screaming to move forward and that is how you will find happiness.
how you will find yourself.
but one day,
when you, you terrible but beautiful soul,
you will hear the good voice over the loud garbage that is always yelling its lies at you.
and when you do you will go running away from the road to the 'finish' line.
the dirty voices will try to pull you back to the mirage,
and though they will sometimes succeed temporarily,
the Precious One will still show His mercy and grab you back up.
and at some point you will realize the One whom the kind voice belongs has been there all along,
waiting for you to simply tune out the loud but lying voices and look up to Him.
and when you do see Him,
though you will try to go back down the fallen way sometimes,
you will know that running to One with the precious voice will and has always brought more contentment than your previous race.
and oh how much more lovely it will be to run His race!
you will be able to see the King look upon you with those eyes that love you more than the beautiful trees down to the ants of the ground He has made.
my small, fallen, and unworthy soul, cling to Him!
for even the stars in the sky look to Him for guidance.
Psalm 63:8
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