As I said, I don't have my laptop with me, and that's because I am officially in Florida on a vacation. My mom, brother, sister and I all hopped onto a plane this morning and flew here to Florida. And I will just have to say, today's flight was the scariest flight I think I have ever been on in my life. Now, I'm not exactly sure why I was so insanely afraid of the flight today and I've never been that afraid(I've flown many times before and have since I was around nine or ten months old), but it was terrifying for me. I'm not sure if it was because it was my (who happens to have just turned three years old) sister's first time flying and I wasn't sure how that was going to go. Or because of the way the plane took off and made you feel like you were about to drop out of the air any second. Or maybe it was because I wasn't sure what stranger I was going to get a seat beside. Whatever the reason, I became a nervous wreck. I was trying to keep myself together as I wanted to burst into tears as we were taking off(I'm very irrational apparently as my mom thought it was a pretty smooth flight). I pulled up an app on my phone that had a Bible on it, and started reading some of it to try to get calmed down. I found some comfort in that and praying, but I've realized how much I need Him. I have realized, through that, and several other experiences, how small and insignificant I really am in this world. I don't have control of really anything-as much as I wish I had full control. If you've read a few of my posts, you have probably heard me talk about how hard of a time I have trusting in Him, well, I guess I'm just talking about it again, and it will probably continue, but hopefully some day I will be able to trust Him more. I now have another story of where I was worried, and God protected me, because He's God and God has a perfect plan for me and you. I've realized how much I truly need Him and how much I need to trust in Him, because He's got this.
I guess God gives us little reminders of how much we truly need Him sometimes, and I think maybe He did that for me today. Maybe in the future, I will be able to know He's got me and is with me, and hopefully, not worry so much.
I hope you found this post inspirational and I hope you have an amazing day!! God bless you!!
P.S. For the next days, we should be here in Florida, so hopefully I'll have some more posts up and more pictures up on my photography page up soon about all of that!! ;)
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